The main benefit for showing initiative

jeremy camp songs
stumbled upon jeremy camp's playlist

The main benefit for showing initiative is that you see, experience and learn things you never would have by not taking initiative. Profoundly simple. Quite often, simply profound.

So guess what fun thing I did when I got back to our seats. Find out by clicking… Next Blog

The Teacher Said They Have Very Little Motivation

Is too much of a good thing demotivating?

What do we have if we don’t have motivation to improve? Last night provided an intriguing conversation in which I did very little talking. A teacher from our Son’s school once taught in a frontier area in northern Canada.

Bottom line: the residents are provided significant governmental financial resources, yet have health and wellness issues that defy explanation. Can handouts and subsidies actually worsen a standard of living, reducing one’s motivation?

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Ultimately, As We Enter & Pass Through Midlife, We Have Important Choices

As Baby Boomers, we have been taught to work hard, do a good job, dream big, enjoy and appreciate the American way of freedom and justice, in the land of opportunity.

Somewhere along the way, greed and slothful behavior slowly poisoned our attitude. We are awakened from our zombie-like life when we get a serious wakeup call. This is a blessing in disguise, offering a second big last chance to change.

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Midlife Crisis Needs This Antidote

Midlife Crisis Needs This Antidote

A big part of our midlife effort should be in solidifying whatever legacy we’d like to leave. Baby Boomers know that doing work that matters gets them ever closer to elusive life goals, and two things in life that make it more enjoyable and prepare the way for our exit.

Peace and contentment. Peace with who we are and content with what we have.

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