Tell jeff noel It’s Impossible

A few days ago jeff noel posted the very first You Tube video. The idea spread virually, and now is one of the top Internet search engines, and worth BILLIONS, in only six years.

A fellow Cub Scot Dad sent this video. A skin cell spray gun. This is the holy grail of burn surgery.

So, go ahead and tell jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, that whispering to the world every morning, “Live, before you die”, won’t catch on.

That’s what they always say…

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Everyday provides special opportunities, if we give ourselves permission…

Today is just another calendar date. It will come and go like all the others.

We get to use our waking hours however we choose.

And that’s the part that either makes us or breaks us. As I head out the door, to give another speech this morning, my aim is nothing less than a standing ovation worthy presentation.

Just another day, to do work that matters…

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Some People Never See It Coming

About 50 meters from Jungle Cruise, a job I began January 25, 1982…

Have you ever started out on a reasonable journey, eventually getting to a place you never tried to be, never dreamt of, never had it as a goal?

But there you found yourself, in some way, a remarkable person for having the guts to stick with an idea. Ever do this?

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Which Leader Are You?

What Type Of Leader Is She?
What Type Of Leader Is She?

Remember last week’s question, “Which are you, interesting or interested?” Let’s play this out at a holiday dinner party.

If you’re interesting, your dinner Guest will leave thinking you are the most important person in the world.

If you are interested, they will think they are.

Ya with me?

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Your Time Has Come?

One By One, Our Days Expire
One By One, Our Days Expire

The days pass slowly and steadily, like Autumn’s falling leaves.

Eventually, our time will expire.

If we are lucky, we’ll have done what it is we were put here to do.

The leadership challenge for all of us is to figure it out and do it, before it’s too late.

Our playing small does not serve the world.

Let that echo in your spirit and help you find your courage.

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