Our Similarities Are Different

MBA – If you have one, are getting one, or plan to in the future, an MBA carries a certain clout.

People seek clout for a variety of reasons.  Mostly, it would seem, to advance their career and their paycheck.

In a competitive world, key advantages make for good strategy.  But because everyone knows an MBA increases one’s chances over one without an MBA, you’d think more people would actually get an MBA.

So why don’t they?  Not sure.  In fact, it’s really inconsequential.

The MBA I’m pursuing is for the same reasons, but the approach I’m taking is a completely different strategy than anyone else I know.

Seems our similarities are different.

jungle jeff, Vision, Mission, Brand

Vision, Mission, Brand. Corporate speak? Sure. Critical success factors? Absolutely.  Or, just plain old common sense?

How many successful businesses operate without these?  “None“, would probably be pretty accurate. Seriously, how could they?

And if they can’t be successful, how can we? Ever wonder about your personal life – without a personal vision, mission, and brand?

When companies evaluate their employee, customer and financial goals and results, do you think they could save time and money by not laboring over these things?

Of course. But that would be very short-sighted and very foolish.

Is it me, or is it hot in here?

Yesterday’s post inspired this one.  “Without clearly defined…..”

jungle jeff MBA

jungle jeff MBA.  Who woulda thought, after all these years, I’d be returning to school to get an MBA?

Why do people return to school after decades of real-world leadership experience?  Many reasons to be sure.

The main reason is the pursuit of a better way of life.  Can you imagine, “Nope, heading back to school because I have all this extra time and money.  Plus, I’m bored stiff just sitting around”?.

Dude, seriously, we need to talk.  It don’t happen like this.  In fact, my story is almost a fairy tale of a completely different sort.

My professor is crazy.  He’s cool, but tough.  On the first day, he told me everyone who attends his class has three years to do something that no other MBA requires….

Money, Money, Money….Money

Money, Money, Money….Money“.  The O’Jays, 1974, For The Love of Money.

I want to make a ton of money.  Seriously.  Enough to buy whatever I want.

First on my list:

  1. A Cure for Crohn’s disease

To take action, – to “put my money where my mouth is” – I’ve returned to school to earn my MBA.

Maybe that’ll be second on the list – pay off school loans.