A Labor Of Love?

More Isn't Always Better
More Isn't Always Better

His final breath and he still had one final, last regret…

…I wish I had spent more time at the office.

Yeah, right.

Yet we live our lives as if we can’t get enough work, or do enough work.

An overnight Elementary School (4th grade) field trip can be a sanctuary of sorts – a special time and special place to gain perspective.

Leadership isn’t just about getting financial results, although everyone knows that this is what drives the engine called for-profit business.

If your not coming in tomorrow (Saturday), don’t even bother coming in on Sunday!

Your big promotion on the line?

Everyone’s Looking For Answers

We Need Questions, Not Answers!

And it seems too few are actually looking for the critical difference.

The goal isn’t to find the right answers.

I mean, most people ask the wrong questions.

The goal is to discover the right questions.

Then the real, transformational, work can begin.

Don’t expect any of my blogs to solve your problems.

Rather, expect a daily nudge that someone cares whether or not you accept your divine opportunity to transform yourself into the you you know you want to become.

I’ll meet you here everyday. Ya with me?

The Road To Excellence

Indomitable Spirit Is Priceless
Indomitable Spirit Is Priceless

The road to excellence has no finish line.

This is the main reason people give up.

Or maybe it’s the fear of success.

What do you think is the main reason people live with discontent in the workplace?

Like I said yesterday, maybe it’s time for a meeting.

Leadership Paradox

“I can’t give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: Try to please everybody all the time.”
– Herbert Bayard Swope

These Trees Never Stood A Chance
These Trees Never Stood A Chance

Trees near the Atlantic Ocean are under constant stress from the wind. And over time, they are shaped with a westerly lean. While they survive, they are indeed changed forever.

And quite possibly, they are happier and more courageous than “normal” trees. Only the trees know for sure.

What have the winds of society done to your attitude?

Made you stronger and more resilient?

Or, made you so fearful, you aren’t even conscious of it?

Time for a meeting?

Better Leadership Purpose?

Hope It's Not Leaning Against The Wrong Wall
Hope It's Not Leaning Against The Wrong Wall

Does this sound familiar?

We spend our entire career (selfishly) trying to climb the ladder of success, to become a better leader.


We weren’t trying to become a better leader. We were trying to make more money and the next promotion and the newer title would take us higher and closer to our goal.

That’s the problem.

It was our goal. Our selfish goal. All about us.

Once a leader transforms herself into a servant, well, magic begins to happen.

If you’re not organized with the day-to-day stuff, it will take you longer (or maybe never) to become a servant.