Creative conversations

roadside flowers
Heading to Siyeh Bend, from Jackson Glacier Overlook.

Questions, paradox, and common sense are my three tools of my trade.


Hard conversation starters:

  1. I’d like to share some thoughts I’ve been having. Can I get your perspective?
  2. I’ve noticed something recently. Can I get your perspective?
  3. I need your help with something I’m struggling with, can you tell me when you have some time?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

If you don’t push

16-second video: Last night after an early evening stroll.

Who is qualified to push you more than you?


You are in charge.

Push yourself like your life depends on it.

From my 60+ years here, it does.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

50% of previous efforts

6-second video: Going slow is not the same as not moving.

Limits serve a purpose. Some are critical, some are stifling. Embrace and adapt to both, as appropriate.

  1. COE (chain of excellence) cards
  2. What was your onboarding experience?
  3. Who’s your trainer?
  4. Who’s your go-to person(s).
  5. What delighted you most at work during your first couple weeks onboarding?

Note: This post’s title (50% of previous efforts) is inspired by today’s one-week post cataract surgery followup exam. Grateful Dr Callaway is blessing me with a return to ‘50% of previous efforts’ for pre-cataract surgery physical routines.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Age old career questions

Disney speaker Jeff Noel

Business leadership became clearer after i became an owner.


Age old career questions:

  • What if i’m not connected to the right people?
  • Why aren’t people recognizing my potential?
  • What am i gonna do if i can’t climb the ladder?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Comparison watcher

Jeff Bezos social media post with a quote
Change what you see and what you see changes.

How do i measure up?

Who seems to already have what i seek to achieve?

What realities do successful people never confess?

Am i even aware of success’s cost?

If i knew the truth about “successful” people, would i still chase “success”?

Who is the most personally vibrant person i know?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.