What apparent blind ambition can do to our intuition

The White House looks deserted…

The White House

What can apparent blind ambition do to our intuition? Let’s assume a person is very ambitious. Winning at any cost. Chasing the prize. One victory after another. Got it? Okay.

That’s the story coming here to The Chronicles of Nuwanda. Truth and lies. Greatness and failure. Real and fictional characters.

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Want work life balance? Here’s world class advice

work life balance
looks unbalanced at first glance

Five tips to a achieve work life balance from a highly respected health organization.

React to surprises the way our parents taught us. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all…

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PS. Update October 3, 2012: An incredibly well respected organization’s blog copied the WebMD Work Life Balance article word for word and posted it on their blog. The author gave WebMD credit, but in my opinion, a link back to WebMD (above) would have been a better blogging strategy than copy and paste.

What one foot in front of the other really means

a brand new day
today is another glorious gift of a brand new day….

What one foot in front of the other really means? It means keep moving. An object, once in motion, tends to stay in motion.

From a butt-kicking 100-day writing challenge, to an 1186 day writing streak. One day at a time. You can do what you want to do…one day at a time.

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Photo: Lincoln Memorial, June 28, 2012…sunrise