The superlative definition of corporate culture

Georgia Interstate billboard.. returning to Orlando from Scout summer camp… Ask Jeff?

interstate billboards

The superlative definition of corporate culture? Culture is what people think and do… without thinking. Spent 12 hours in the classroom yesterday preparing, teaching, and cleaning up. The photo’s from a few days ago.

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Insight: What did you do yesterday that was hard? And glorious? And you look forward to doing more of tomorrow?

When professionally overwhelmed, do these five things…

Think cleaning summer camp toilets is hard, try doing it without legs, or with cancer, or without eyesight, or…

cleaning camp toilets

When professionally overwhelmed, do these five things:

  • remember the definition of insanity
  • embrace paradox
  • recall courageous moments you’ve experienced
  • recall courageous stories you’ve heard or witnessed
  • learn to banish devilish temptation to not reach impossibly high

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