The unfair paradox of risk

Fun Industries sticker on arcade window display
Can taking risks become something fun to do?


Valor lies just halfway between rashness and cowardice.  – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Taking risks is risky.

So is playing it safe.

What would our lives become if we consciously took a minimum of one risk per day?

You know the saying, everyday do one thing that scares you.

What would happen over time?

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It all started with a Mouse

Walt Disney World Sign with Walt Disney quote
The law of attraction, no?


January 25, 1982 was his first day working for The Walt Disney World Resort.

He was hired as an ‘Attractions Host’.

He didn’t know what that meant until he arrived in Florida (from Pennsylvania) and attended the company orientation program – Disney Traditions.

Later that day he was told his training would begin the very next day as a Jungle Cruise Skipper in Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

They told him him to introduce himself to the Guests as ‘Jungle Jeff’.

So he did.

True story.

And yes, it did all start with a Mouse.

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The business case for balance must be made individually

Starbucks in Times Square at 6am
We all experience dark days in our life.


In less than an hour, one year ago today (Jan. 24, 2013 8:47am), my life (and many others) changed.

Can’t share the details, but know that what we never expect to happen can happen.

Without any warning whatsoever.

In the category of wake-up call, this easily qualifies.

A reminder to be crystal clear about our priorities, so we can balance things in such a way as to ensure our best effort, and avoid desperate, tragic measures.

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Insight: Some take desperate measures to relieve their pain. And in doing so, leave a painful, sad memory.


A simple bowl of cereal sitting with family trumps all other breakfasts

Delta first class cabin breakfast tray
few flights come with a breakfast like this


Unfathomable what it would be like in this economy to be doing something we don’t love to do.

Tough enough when we are doing daily work transforming lives.

This is difficult challenging work in and of itself.

And what if we have to do a significant amount of work that wasn’t something that excites us?

We see this everyday. All day.

It’s our job as CEO of You, Inc to figure this out.

To create at least a 51% ‘get to do’.

The predominant goal is to push our work processes and structure so that our ‘get to do’ feels like 80-90%.

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