Work like you mean it: Four early “big ideas” that never took off

West Orange High School 9th grade center
He was less scared after seeing the campus.


Until you are out on your own as a solo entrepreneur, it’s easy to have a lifetime of delusional ideas about how business works. All the crazy ideas about spending money, priorities, brand building, marketing and sales – well, it’s all theory until you own it.

Dreaming is the easy part.

It’s almost pornographic how wild the business improvements or new ventures could go. All the “what if’s”.  So easy to go nuts.

Dreaming is the easy part.

Making stuff happen, nearly impossible.

Here are four early “bright ideas” that were like candles in the wind.

The coolest thing about mistakes is how much more meaningful – because of the real lessons learned – they are when you own the business.

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We worked at Disney’s Contemporary Resort back in the 1980’s

Disney's first Hotels under construction.
Had never seen a photo of this until the Facebook Group.


The Disney heritage stories are as common as the prolific sable palm trees (the Florida State Tree). The vintage Disney photos are often rare. Never saw the photo above until yesterday on the Facebook group, “We worked at the Contemporary back in the ’80’s“.

The Hotel rooms were constructed offsite, but still on Disney Property, by US Steel, in a modular fashion and literally slid into the large A-Frame structure.

The room construction was rumored to be so complete that the carpet was installed and even the light bulbs were screwed into the lamps.

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It’s not a business until…

Orlando Based Disney Keynote Speaker
Orlando Based Disney Keynote Speaker.


It’s not a business until…

People are recommending you.

Goodman Speakers Bureau called yesterday wanting to know my availability in May for an Orlando engagement. They have a client wanting a Disney Keynote Speaker. Their client wants me to hold a Tuesday and a Friday, until they decide if they want an opening or closing keynote.

It ain’t over until it’s over. Hopeful this leads to a signed contract, but cognizant there’s no guarantee.

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Does your company suffer from Organizational obesity?

Disney Executive Leadership Speaker


Does your company suffer from Organizational obesity?

Poor habits, among other things, cause metaphorical organizational obesity.

The opposite of organizational vibrancy.

Would you allow someone who doesn’t care what you know the opportunity to rattle your cage and create a catalyst for you to think differently?

Would you welcome it? Pay top dollar for it? Look forward to it?

Would you?

Obesity won’t go away by itself.


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