Danny and Adam are C-Level potentials

Danny and Adam have passion.

How do you know?

All you have to do is watch and listen. That’s what I did last night with my family. Watched and listened.

What does this have to do with you?


Please, let me say it one more time, and this time I’ll shout it, “EVERYTHING!”

Thirteen finalists. One will become the next American Idol and sell millions of “records” (downloads). It’s like winning an Olympic gold medal, sort of.

Two stood out far and away the most passionate. Singing and performing are in their heart and soul! Like an unstoppable force of nature – a tornado, a hurricane, a tsunami. Unstoppable, and all-powerful.

This makes me wonder what it takes to be world-class.

To be a world-class leader, speaker, father, follower, friend, visionary, athlete, singer….

Dude, I say to myself,do you inspire yourself so much that others want to be a part of it”?

I feel good about my progress toward the “yes” answer.

Do you?

Please know, as I always say, there is no judgement here on whether or not someone is good or not good. What’s being played out here, are the challenges I set before myself. And so, I’m inviting you to set these challenges before yourself. But only if you have the desire to be excellent. Okay?

(And you know what else? If you’re not sure where you fall in this environment, then I gently invite you to follow along at a distance comfortable to your situation. And, when and if you’re ready, or not ready, you can decide to be in, or to be out. It’s absolutely your choice.)

Excellent and world-class are the highest levels of difficulty, and I often confront the question, “Why are you concerned about it”? My inner voice says, You must make great sacrifices to be excellent and world-class”.


And, you make great sacrifices when you don’t push yourself to be all you can be, so that you can offer others all you can offer them.

This is called regret. And I believe it is much worse than sacrifice.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

Make it a GREAT, PASSIONATE day, because if you don’t, who will? Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Live, before you die

Here’s a post written the other day. I was 35,000 feet in the air, traveling, and had just finished watching an inspirational movie, lent to me by a friend.  It’s long, so I understand if you’re too busy to read it.  Yet I wasn’t going to let that stop me from writing it.  Here goes:

02.26.09 35K feet

Are you a chicken?

When was the last time you put yourself on the line?



Bet you’ve thought about it. Everybody does. It’s part of our human DNA. We all dream of doing something great, of putting ourselves on the line.

Here’s the deal.

If you’re like me, you’re insanely busy. You’re also incredibly distracted. And (again), if you’re like me, most likely, a “chicken”.

Please don’t get me wrong. Being afraid is a gift given to humans to help them survive.

It can also, unintentionally, be the very thing that suffocates us.

Suffocates us?

Yes. Suffocates us.


We go through life, unaware the clock is ticking. We wake up one day, realizing we haven’t yet lived.

This scares the heck out of me.

Today, tomorrow, next week, all month, all year, next year, until I die – I vow to, “Live, before I die.”

May I be so bold as to challenge you? To Live, before you die!

Find a way to be inspired every single day.

I just watched “Saint Ralph”. A story about a 14-year old boy, attending an all-boys Catholic school in the early 1950’s. His Father was killed in a war. His mother on her death bed, although no one will admit it. It appears she’s battling cancer. She goes into a coma and Ralph, her son, hears a story about miracles.

Ralph becomes convinced that if he can perform a miracle, in this case winning the Boston Marathon, then that miracle will lead to the miracle of his Mother coming out of her coma.

Ralph was never really good at anything. He was always getting in trouble.

He digs down deep, loses Boston by one step, and becomes a hero.

All I can tell you (to wrap this up) is that I believe in business and at home, we get an incredible opportunity to make the world a better place.

Today, once again, I’ll work hard for the courage to “put myself on the line” to do just that.

Carpe diem,  jungle jeff  :)

It matters little…

Did you work out today?


Within the past three days?

Hey, not trying to make you feel guilty. You’re probably going to do that all by yourself.

If you are exercising regularly, you’re setting a good example for yourself and especially for others.

If you’re not, well, not really sure what to say. It’s not my place to judge others. We’re all going through some sort of challenge right now.  And most likely, we always will be.

That’s one of the secrets of life and business. It’s always going to be tough.

Back to the point – and I do have one. 🙂

What we do says more about us than what we say. Far more.

Our actions speak louder than words“.

Profoundly simple. Simply profound.

Here’s the way I sum it all up. You’re probably going to have to re-read it a few times, and once you get it, it’s simply profound:

It matters little to walk to do the preaching, if not the walking, is the preaching“.

PS. Off to the gym. Gonna practice what I preach. jungle jeff 🙂

Florida Resident Special (save up to $1550)

Wow!!! Check out this amazing Disney Institute offer for Florida Residents:


When Passion, Will, and Opportunity collide

What happens when passion, will, and opportunity collide?  Impossible becomes possible!

While many know me as a “Disney Fanatic“.   Only a handful truly comprehend the passion to do something great, and, the will to do something great, that has been with me all my life.

Are you a dreamer of impossible dreams?

I would bet you are.

Most humans are.  It’s part of our DNA.  Cavemen dreamed of auto insurance, and, reliable fire.  Walt Disney dreamed of creating a place where families could do fun things together.  Roger Bannister dreamed of running one mile in less than four minutes.

I dream of changing the world.

Funny thing about many dreams.  Once the impossible is accomplished, it ends up becoming business as usual.

Quote me on this one, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough“.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂