Racism has to go

water lily
What we like or dislike in others is a reflection of what others like or dislike about us.

Racism, to me, feels like an extension of a larger issue, discrimination. i am not smart enough to speak expertly, only as a novice. A novice with 60+ years of observation experience.

Discrimination, in my opinion and from my six decades of experience, is rooted in strongly held stereotypes.

Ironically, stereotypes are nondiscriminatory.

There are many “categories” ripe for creating stereotypes.

Age, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual preference, height, weight, hair color, hair style, hair length, the car (or truck) you drive (or public transportation you use), job experience, socio-economics, clothes, marriage status, kids or no kids, zip code, political affiliation, accents, glasses or no glasses, education level, hobbies, active or inactive lifestyle, and a litany of endless other categories.

The older you get, stereotypically, the more you’ve seen, learned, and experienced. You learn there are now things that matter that you didn’t think mattered before. You learn there are things that don’t matter that you once thought were written in stone (for example, marriage is between a man and woman).

Here’s to a future that’s not only better than now, but much better than now.

A future with no negative stereotypes, no racism, no hate. A future filled with positive stereotypes, unconditional acceptance, never-ending love.

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Lead or be?

Disney Customer Service Keynote speaker name tag
Who carries a Disney name tag to Glacier National Park? A crazy person no doubt. Here’s to the crazy ones.

Do you want to lead the category or be the category?

Writing five daily, differently-themed blog posts for 13 years and counting, makes you a category of one.

Then you add no commenting, no social sharing, no email collection, no sales funnel.

You don’t promote your blog, and never have, even when you deliver Disney Customer Service Keynote Speeches.

You truly are a rare bird.

Rock on and never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Success according to you

Disney Innovation Speaker
GNP. Mt Oberlin in center. Mt Reynolds, left.

Nothing succeeds like success.

Walter Winchell

Be careful what you wish for.

dad (and countless others)

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Summer Solstice Leadership Lessons

Change the third word to never, from always.

If you never put limits on what you can do, you stretch yourself in ways that make you a better person.

Can you shun anger?

Can you be patient 100% of the time?

Can you start and run your own business?

Can you be a role model for how to live a personally vibrant life?

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The key to making change that matters

All in means all in. Not being all in means exactly that, not all in. Obvious, challenging, and yet the key to it all.

What stifles making change that matters?

A busy schedule.

A lack of balance between the big categories.

Time and competing priorities create the illusion that organizational and personal vibrancy are impossible.

Balancing leaders, employees, customers, reputation, and improvement yields organizational vibrancy.

Balancing mind, body, spirit, work, and home facilitates personal vibrancy.

At the DNA level what makes change happen and last?


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If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.