i can only speak from experience

Apple Watch update 2015
Time is the only thing everyone gets the same of each day.


If you hit the snooze button, if you do rolling stops at stop signs, if you drive too fast, these are valid indications you are not a great leader. You are probably a great manager, getting things done, even burning the midnight oil, and racing down the highway to increase your output.

But leadership starts with self.

Is the purpose of speeding to save three minutes? Go to bed three minutes earlier the night before. No?

Saving three seconds by doing rolling stops instead of full and complete stops? Wake up one minute earlier so you don’t have to shave 10-20 seconds off of your commute.

Hitting the snooze button?

Rushing out the door half awake, in a rush, disorganized – the three minute and 20 seconds you save on a typical 30- minute commute requires a level of worry and anxiety that could be spent in an entirely different way if you went to bed (or woke up) just five minutes earlier.

Think about it.

When i finally came to terms with my blind spot, i fixed these things.

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When does your workday begin?

Orlando Sanford airport entrance sign
Yesterday, 6am on the way home.


The workday begins the night before.

For example, yesterday:

  • 4:40am – awaken
  • 5:00am – drive to airport
  • 6:00am – drop off Cheryl, drive home
  • 7:00am – begin 5-mile run
  • 8:00am – drive son to school
  • 8:30am – Gold’s Gym core & strength workout
  • 9:30am – drive home, pickup office supplies on the way
  • 10:15am – dip in the pool
  • 10:25am – brunch
  • 11:00am – read, email, social media, write, work
  • 1:30pm – drive to physical therapist for evaluation
  • 3:15pm – client call to Hawai’i
  • 4:15pm – pickup son at school
  • 4:30pm – Twistee Treat drive-thru for ice cream on drive home
  • 4:45pm – Grocery store for frozen pizza
  • 5:15pm – Dinner for two
  • 5:45pm – free time in family room
  • 9:00pm – bedtime
  • 9:30pm – lights out

The only audible for the day was picking up the frozen pizza.

Not everyday is this structured. But everyday is structured with a plan determined the night before.

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The joy of being the boss

Pope Francis


(photo: A surprise, and astonishingly brave and inspiring speech just three days before Christmas: Calling out the hypocrisy on the vatican Cardinals.)

First Christmas in 30 years where there are no worries about getting time off to spend with Family.

The responsibility of being self-employed hasn’t fully sunk in.

But the joy of being the boss has.

You don’t realize the weight (of corporate tradition) until it’s gone.

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Time will tell. It always does.

WordPress Orlando Meetup


(photo: Only half of those RSVP-ing yes actually showed up at yesterday’s Orlando WordPress Meetup)

What does it mean when we say, “Time will tell?”

WordCamp Orlando in less than two months away. They are looking for a few more speakers.

It’s highly likely they’ve never had a world class professional keynote speaker at any of their meetings.


Makes sense.

The people speaking are developers, programmers, and creative geniuses. They are not speakers.

Maybe they could use a speaker on how to enhance speaking skills.

Or maybe a speaker on how to dream impossible dreams.

After four years attending WordPress Orlando Meetups, maybe there will soon be an opportunity to give back.

Time will tell.

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