Four things they have that the others haven’t mastered yet

Stack of Mid Life Celebration books
Most people dream of publishing a book.


When we think about how lucky someone else is in their career, know what happens to our psyche?

We sabatoge it.

We stifle it.

We do many things, except get a grip and understand that at one time, they were exactly where we are now.

And admit that why they are where they are is because they refused to let mistakes, embarrassment, pain, rejection, ridicule, and exhaustion stop them.

How does one know such things?

Tenacity, perseverance, determination, and milestones.

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Three tenacity quotes, two from Nuwanda, one from e.e. cummings

Life's road blocks
Road blocks in life are meant to be figured out and conquered…
huge bridges
huge bridge over eight+ lanes of Interstate 4


To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.  – e. e. cummings

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. – Nuwanda

The long way is the short cut. – Nuwanda

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A Big Revelation From jeff noel’s MBA Program Is The Importance Of Tenacity

Halifax, Nova Scotia recently, on a run through the city.

There’s a long list of firsts here….

I’ve never heard another MBA student talk about how much they studied tenacity, nor refer to, or recommend, textbooks on tenacity.

The biggest revelation in jeff noel’s MBA program, so far, is how tenacity may be the single biggest success factor in launching a small business startup.

Failure is an option, but not quitting.

Absolutely, positively. No quitting.

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Don’t Be

Do Not, Under Any Circumstances
Do Not, Under Any Circumstances

Yesterday was an awesome day.

How was yours?

Everyday should be an awesome day, even the ones that pin us down and make it difficult to breath.


Because that’s the way life works.

Pretending it doesn’t is foolish.

Don’t be an educated fool.