Is the industry standard something you have to accept? Photo: quick note scribbled on my monthly calendar.
Speaking of failing to succeed…
Are you a purple cow?
Then why should anyone pay attention to you?
The aspiring Disney animator jumped at the chance to speak with me (for free).
Our conversation was yesterday while walking to the gym.
One of the first things he shared was a story of him dragging his mom to the wall he had drawn on, “Look mommy, it says I am an animator.”
From that, later in our conversation, i suggested that maybe what makes him a purple cow is his ability to pretend and (possibly) to get others to pretend.
He was astonished and inspired.
What’s your purple cow?
.think .differently
• • • • •
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Do what you fear, but don’t get arrested. Sometimes, if not more often, we must do what we fear to overcome it.
This has been challenging, considering all the places I’ve lived and worked – 35 years in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Idaho, Florida and Washington State.
Bottom line, my thirst for pushing boundaries tends to threaten others. Since turning 50 in June, I have flat out accepted this is who I am – a game changer. Maybe this will be September’s theme. Maybe not.
Let’s go back two days to The Ledge, at the western hemisphere’s tallest building:
Went out on The Ledge five times. Would have done it even more, except it was a very busy Friday night in Chicago.
“So what”? Exactly. So what! I’ve never been more impatient with the status quo.
Turbulent times call for unprecedented creative efforts. In order to teach our son patience, I constantly remind myself to relax and be patient. One day soon, some one will ask, “Will you share your vision with us”?
While I went to The Ledge five times that night, Walt Disney lived his whole life on The Ledge. Wonder if we’re related. Carpediem, jungle jeff