Work time and resources are always scarce

Sand Hill crane
Exquisite architecture. Nature.

Work time and resources are always scarce.

On a 1-10 scale with 10 as high, how bold at work are you planning to be in 2019?

Including the score from MLC, L8, and, how close to 40 are you?

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When the rubber meets the road

Motivational Speakers Orlando


(photo: Annual Singing Christmas Trees concert, 2014.)

Big events don’t fall from the sky. Massive effort is required. Trust, accessibility, values, and vision. They all work together for the greater good.

Couple calls and meetings (in this order as the day unfolded):

  1. Pitched crazy idea to Middle School teacher to enlist her student’s help, teach them, and fund raise.
  2. Recruiting consultants for work beyond MLC’s catalytic keynote speeches.
  3. Requested permission to use large, not-for-profit venue.
  4. Put out feelers for a go-to meeting planner.

Today will be more of the same.

Next Blog

PS. Here’s a real time (Mar 27) update to the above post written Dec 17: None of the four “great ideas” panned out. Paying engagements were contracted that made numbers 1 & 3 dramatically less pressing. Discovered that i do not wish to partner with anyone else on content creation (as of now). And #4 is premature – a great resource is available when and if the time becomes right.

jeff noel Crazy @ The Library

Purple Cow, Unleashing The Idea Virus, Permission Marketing, The Free Prize Inside, Tribes, The Dip, Survival Is Not Enough, All Marketers Are Liars, The Big Red Fez, Small Is The New Big, The Big Moo, Meatball Sundae – Seth Godin has written, marketed and sold some of the best books and ebooks, since 1999.

Tell Us Already About The MBA

OK, ok, okay.  I’ll tell you.  But please don’t expect it to be predictable. And please don’t expect it to be fully revealed today.

Any idea why?  Well, mostly because it’s awkward to talk about, and even more so to write about.

It most likely goes without saying; however, just so we’re all crystal clear, I’m a square hole looking for a round peg.  Got it?

So let’s start here.  It troubles me, personally, to think that after expending extraordinary resources, the only thing you get upon graduating with an MBA is a piece or paper.

As an over-achiever (like Walt Disney, Roger Bannister, Jesus, Superman, etc), I want a heck of a lot more than a piece of paper.  At 50 years old, what can I do with another piece of paper?

I want profit, a passive income and the ability to work when I want, from where I want, and to hire whom I want, when I want.

My professor says this is possible, but it will require efforts heretofore unheard of.