It’s all about results. And few times in history has that been more important than now. Companies fold. People loose their jobs. Prices are slashed. Worries escalate. Houses don’t sell. Government’s big plans can’t find critical momentum.
At the end of the day, businesses are focused on their numbers.
Apple announced a few day ago they’ve sold two million iPads in less than 60 days. It took them 28 days to sell the first million. Reaching milestones is one thing. Making sure advocates and potential buyers are aware is another.
And it’s not to boast. It’s to create buzz.
For instance, in May at Mid Life Celebration, LLC:
- Nearly 300k Hits
- 40k+ Visits
- 150k+ Page Views
- 2,300+ cumulative Blog Posts
And you know what’s crazy? I’m just getting warmed up. Everything takes longer than you expect. How are your plans coming along?