Do we speed up to avoid life’s toughest questions?

Glacier National Park
Important topics from late Spring 2018.

Do we speed up to avoid life’s toughest questions?

If we’re too busy to invest the time required for the toughest questions it begs a new question doesn’t it?

When then?

And if not anytime soon, when?

And if not ever (because that’s the message we’re sending), why?

Why not ever?

To know is to do. To know and not do is to not yet know.

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Better to set and fail than not set and fail

Hyatt Grand Hotel Bogota
Inside the Hyatt.


“Setting challenges is part of me, it’s part of my DNA,” Dave McGillivray says. “I can be okay with missing my goals. To me that’s not a failure. But not setting goals, that does seem like more of a failure.”

Full Runner’s World article here.

The article is about a 64-year old guy who’s recently had triple bypass heart surgery.

Reread his quote three sentences above.

Then think about your own life.

And ask yourself a simple question, “What are my important goals?”

Regardless of your answer, your answer should serve you well.


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Service, disney, questions, Glacier, outfitters

Disney Keynote Speaker jeff noel
Never gets old.


Walt Disney Innovation quote
Innovation and risk taking are siblings.


The weather was perfect for a brief 45-minute visit.


In three hours, two small business owners in Glacier National Park are calling me so i can review the Customer Service architecture.

They’ve been so kind and generous with me as i planned the first of five Summer writing retreats to Glacier National Park.

Here’s a copy & paste text message i sent last night….

If u have time before 7am, give a little thought to:

Your definition (the goal) of customer service

Scale 1-10 (10 High) how important is customer satisfaction

What are some positive stereotypes of your industry (outdoor equipment rentals)…what are some negative ones

What are some of the emotions your various customers exhibit in a typical

If an employee needs to make a decision affecting a customer – when they don’t have time to ask your opinion, how do they decide what’s best

Sleep well.

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What were you born to do?

Disney Keynote Speaker
Met neighbor’s new Boxer puppy.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Artemus is the epitome of joy. My teaching is designed and delivered to be the epitome of hope.


Can you answer the following question? Yes.

What were you born to do? Teach.

If you aren’t aware yet, take your time but don’t wait. Ok. It took 40 years to finally discover my purpose.

Have you already discovered your purpose in life? Yes, in 1999. i was 40.

How did it feel when you answered your calling? The catalyst was a 1999 Disney Institute (DI) Business Programs Facilitator job offer, and, becoming a parent in 2000. By the way, i never wanted to be a DI speaker.

What was life like before that time? It felt good, but by comparison to today, it was status quo, going through the motions, sleep-walking through life. i had insidiously carved a deep rut into what had originally begun as “finding my groove in life”, somewhere in my early 30s. i was blindly ambitious and inadequate at seeing my many blinds spots.

What do you dislike about teaching? The reality that you can’t be a prophet in your hometown.

What do you love about teaching?  The reality that i provide a catalytic opportunity for people and organizations to transform.

Here are common challenges you will/are/did face on your life’s journey:

  • The change might surprise you.
  • The change might not work.
  • There are no short cuts.
  • You might be able to see a different way forward.
  • Change, generally, is uncomfortable and unwelcomed.
  • This puts a lot of pressure on you to keep doing the safe thing – status quo.


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What excites you to deliver excellence every day?

iPhone 8
iPhone 8 announcement and weird Disney referemnce (which i do not recall the point).


iPhone 8
Watching the Apple Fall 2017 Keynote.


iPhone 8
Goodbye Home button…


iPhone 8
Welcome to iPhone 8.


iPhone 8
Simple graphics.


iPhone 8
iPhone 8 – no home button.


What excites you to deliver excellence every day?

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