Mid Life Celebration is blowing people’s minds all over the USA
December 11, 2013 and the clock is ticking towards the end of the year holidays as we frantically try to do it all, just like last year when we swore this year would be different.
January 21, 2012....picture perfect central Florida day...Almost as good as a deserted island...There's a time and a place for everything (but no definitive guide).
Yesterday while basking in the warm Florida sunshine and warm company of fellow Scouts, my Son told me I make a lot of promises. This frightened me. A lot. He didn’t say I keep a lot of promises.
Did I not pursue clarification yesterday because of the pain it may inflict on my psyche? Or did I exercise wisdom to allow space and time to get a better opportunity to ask about it? We’ll see…
In March 2009, just ten short months ago, I made a promise – a 100-day challenge.
Have you ever made important promises, big promises, promises that you could almost taste the life-changing benefits?
Some call it dreaming big dreams. Walt Disney, one of my heroes, was like that. But Walt Disney also had something different.
He had drive. And Walt Disney did what he set out to do. And Walt turned a deaf ear to the multitudes who called him crazy.
Walt Disney did things others said were impossible. When I set out to write five daily blogs for 100 days, not even I could imagine what it’s turned into.
Here we are, not 50 blog posts later, not 100, not 500 blog posts later, not 1,000 either, but over 1,500 blog posts – in ten short months.
It is quite literally a Five-A-Day Blogger explosion.