Exterior style, landscaping, interior style

Thick clouds hugging a mountain
Mt Oberlin, my favorite summit because of its ease to access and ease to summit. Photo: Taken from Granite Park Chalet, miles away. Was struck by the constant cloud movement. The clouds moved from right to left but never disappeared. Guessing a Westerly moving cloud system was colliding with an Easterly moving air stream.

Focus and discipline are legendary leadership superpowers.



  1. Process Mapping: Need a small (2-4) “Emotional Connection” team with an accountability leader. Brainstorm customer touch points, pick one, compare two lists—meets & exceeds expectations, try something. Launch, learn, revise. Repeat.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Out of office alert at work

mountains and lake
Jody Maberry texted this photo to me last night and asked, “Do you know where this is?” “Yes, Mt. Wilbur looking down on Iceberg Lake. Ahern Pass is on the other side of the far wall.” What i didn’t share is my suspicion it’s from Google Earth, not a climber’s camera. Why? Wilbur is notoriously dangerous to climb.

Racing through your days takes your focus off life’s small details.


Out of office alert at work…

What’s a simple, scalable way to add simplicity and scalability to every Galen Customer detail?

Use three well-known tools:

  1. Questions
  2. Paradox
  3. Common sense

A few examples:

Can you imagine how Galen looks in our Customer’s eyes when everyone at Galen has a professional, intentional, Galen-difference in something so seemingly insignificant?

What does the customer think and feel when all their questions are answered in a Galenized presentation?

What message is sent to all stakeholders in Galen’s ecosystem about attention to the smallest of details, to trust, to excellence?

Bonus pic…screenshot of the text referenced at the top of this post.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

The work value of one day

Disney leadership conference
Arianna Huffington is today’s keynote speaker at Disney’s Cast Leadership conference. Photo: LinkedIn screenshot.

Organizational humility is a powerful thought.

How does organizational humility transfer to tangible leadership behaviors? Amongst dozens, hundreds, or thousand of organizational leaders?



Do the basics brilliantly.

  1. Vision
  2. Involvement
  3. Accountability
  4. Commitment

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Show and tell?

Disney keynote speaker Jeff Noel on stage with two audience members
You can talk the insight or you can show them the insight. Here i am showing the 400-person audience the insight about ‘displaying appropriate body language’. Invited two audience volunteers onstage to help.

Chief of Staff (Walt & Roy vibe)…CTO (Chief Thinking Officer)


  1. Finally feel like CEO (congrats)
  2. Enormous growth (personal ambition)
  3. Cabinet rebuild (bench health?)

Critical, timeless truths:

  1. Vision-less CEO’s are unheard of
  2. Growth dilutes culture
  3. Culture = organizational health-grade

Your coaching priorities:

  1. Push you to .think .differently
  2. Be a sounding board
  3. Be a better leader


  • Monthly onsite
  • Weekly calls
  • CIP Fanatics


Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (to be determined)

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

DREAM was a Cast Member idea

Disney Cast Member t-shirt from 1980’s
Disney Cast Member t-shirt from 1980’s.

DREAM was a Cast Member idea.

DREAM = Disney Resort Experiences Are Magic.

Gracious Hospitality became a Disney Resort Operations program in the late 1980’s that was pre-Disney Decade (1990) and pre-Performance Excellence (1993).

One of my proprietary assets is my organizational memory.

This is the ability to recall the longterm historical pros and cons from personal experience, not hearsay or books.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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