Not A Bit Of Talent Left

Are You Who You Represent Yourself To Be?
Are You Who You Represent Yourself To Be?

Please join me in welcoming my friend David Balentine, as he asks an important, but overlooked question. Take it away David:

How are you using your talents?

A challenge we all face is how to use our talents wisely. One of those challenges presented itself in the form of being asked to write a pithy post as a guest blogger. Not knowing fully what the word meant, another challenge arose. Define pithy.

In a world filled with talented writers, I do not consider myself one of them.

Originally rejected by her school’s newspaper, she turned her talents into becoming a popular humorist, recognized nationwide and read by more than 30 million people across the US and Canada every week.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me”.” – Erma Bombeck

So, how are you using your talents?

Ok, back to my words: What is it that you want to become but for a variety of excuses, fears, doubts, reasons, you will never know because your fear is greater than your desire. Embrace failure as a necessary part of the formula and begin again, refreshed, renewed, recommitted.

Next Blog

Are You Teaching Others?


To teach is to learn twice.

Are you teaching others?

This jungle jeff blog is about Money, and our contribution to society.

Do you teach those around you the relative significance to pursuing, discovering, and then harnessing their contribution to society?

You can cook the french fries, you can manage the restaurant, or you can own the franchise.

Each level has a certain skill set, a list of pros and cons, as well as a list of expectations.

Society pays us accordingly for that.

With money, we can buy food, shelter, transportation, insurance, help others, etc.

Are you teaching others?

jungle jeff & The Money Tree

Money Tree?
Money Tree?

We all need some of life’s basics: food, transportation, shelter, insurance, and to help others.

Money, and time (the other currency), lets us do these.

The more money we have the easier it is to buy things and help people.

Two days ago Seth Godin posted this at his blog. It will stimulate how you think about credit and debt, but it is no guarantee you will make good or tough choices.

Article summary: you can borrow money for things that incease or decrease in value. 

Are The Long Hours Worth It?

Heads Or Tails?
Heads Or Tails?

Age-old question.

What do you think?  What’s your opinion?

“It depends,” is the first thing that comes to mind.  Mostly the long hours are worth it.  If.


Yes, if.

If it drives your ego, your title, your salary, your corner office, your feeling of self-worth – then no.

If it drives your ability to make a difference: to expand your reach, your relevance, your impact – then yes.

The challenge, when you’re insanely busy, is to not confuse the two.

Any one need a quarter?

What’s Your Big Dream?

Where Do You Stand?
Where Do You Stand?

Do you feel like quitting, giving up, or at the very least, backing down from reaching high?

Two of our most common feelings are:

  1. Dreaming Big Dreams
  2. Quitting because of the obstacles

So today’s thought for you to ponder, “What’s your big dream?”

And, “Are you still passionate about it or have you given up?”