Exploiting Chaos!

Walking through an airport this week, a book title caught my eye, “Exploiting Chaos“.

Why?  If I have to explain this to you, you most likely won’t understand. But, because I’m a sucker for people who want to understand and continuously improve, I’ll give it a brief try here.

Chaos is a paradox.  We can (and probably do) hate chaos.  Or, we can (and probably don’t) love chaos.

Hate it for all of the societal norm reasons most hate chaos.

Love it for all the opportunity it brings.  Yes, opportunity.  So once again, if I have to explain this to you, you won’t understand.  But if I were you, I’d quickly try to figure it out, or get left behind.

Excellence Is Not A Risk Free Journey

Excellence is not a risk free journey.  Nor is excellence guaranteed, even if you work desperately hard.

I know first hand.

And what I have learned, and in many cases, relearned, is that the road to excellence has no finish line.

We are never at a place where we are finished.

These are lessons Walt Disney learned and worked to his advantage.

Now, I’m teaching our son the key insights of a brilliant man – Walt Disney.

Walt Disney’s ideology taught me how to go from one push up a day ten years ago to the 2009 WMA Masters Track and Field World Championships last week.

My son has seen me apply so many Disney strategies to getting and staying healthy, that he is also inspired to be excellent.

Who wouldn’t want that for a child?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

PS.  Tomorrow, an insight on the recent change in direction here at jungle jeff.  Some of you have commented and I’ll share a sneak peek tomorrow.

Wait, There’s More

My friend, a true Disney fan, even went as far as suggesting, “You really need to be an expert before people will follow you”.

And I thought out loud, “Really”?

So this led to a decent discussion about:

  • How do you become an expert?  It certainly isn’t overnight
  • How do you develop a following?  It too, isn’t overnight.

I boldly, but with unseen humility, stated that I’m a wellness expert.   What makes me a  “wellness expert”?

Mind.  Body.  Spirit.  Money.

Expert?  Really now?

The ability to deliver great results.  That’s what makes you an expert.

When you can make common sense, common practice.

Bold?  Absolutely.

Boastful?  Depends on the strength of the person doing the “judging”.  A small mind will probably say, “Boastful”.  A humble mind, “Not boastful at all”.

It’s a test we’d all like to pass, but few have the courage to take.

Being fanatical about quality and practicing what’s preached, I take the test daily.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, honor student.  🙂

Here’s What We Also Talked About

Want to know what else we talked about?


Pros and cons of lists.

We didn’t get far because we quickly moved to content.

My friend suggested, in his opinion, my blog posts don’t exactly end with a finishing point.

For example, my friend said, “You don’t tell people what they should do”.

And I thought, “Perfect”!

It’s called facilitation.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Recognize These Experts?

The big question today, “What makes a person an expert”?

Recognize these experts?  Here’s a small list to get you ready for today’s main post, which is separate.

  • Equality – Martin Luther King
  • Humility – Mother Teresa
  • Creativity – Walt Disney
  • WinningJohn Wooden
  • Independence – Ghandi
  • SpeedUsain Bolt

Okay, ready?  I’m going to tell you I’m an expert too.  Before I do, please read the PS below.

PS.  I’m heading to Helsinki in a few days to represent the United States in the Master’s Track & Field World Championships.  Boastful or not boastful, it all depends on the size of a person’s mind.  Carpe diem, jeff 🙂