It Would Seem Like A Common Sense Decision To Go, To Make Mistakes, To Make Progress

How many in that cemetery, on their death bed, said they would have done it differently

The beautiful and wonderful thing about humans is that each of us is made so uniquely special. Deep down, every Baby Boomer knows this. As we get older, wiser, and more anxious about death (if we’re smart), we can leverage this moment in our lives – to do something great.

Next Blog

What Will GREAT Look Like?

What will GREAT look like for you in 2010?

I can’t imagine being a professional and not being a LinkedIn member. But it’s not unreasonable at this point for many to still not be involved.

My wife is not on LinkedIn, however, I do believe it would benefit her to get started.

Anyway, through LinkedIn, which I read daily, I followed a link  – “What Will Great Look Like For You In 2010?” A quote from that link sparked today’s blog post.

So there are two messages today:

  1. Social media, like anything else, works best when used frequently
  2. All five of my blogs are free

A reader commented a few months ago, “You never ask for anything.”

It was, and still is, a question that leaves a funny feeling in my gut.

Why would anyone invest in five daily blogs, reveal secrets, success tips, insightful thinking, be vulnerable and transparent, and never ask for a nickel in return?

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Don’t Blog

Not a Blogger?  Click Here (and then click upper right, “skip this ad”) for 11 payoffs if you blog, or if you ever want to start blogging.

Blogging won’t ever be important to you, if you won’t ever make blogging important.

Creating a great blog won’t ever be important to you, if being great isn’t important to you.

Same with exercise.

Exercise won’t ever be important to you, if you don’t ever make your health a top priority.

The list goes on and on.  But will you?  Go on and on, I mean. To do the hard work that has to be done to be great.

Only the mediocre are at their best every day.