Doing Something Great Is Only For Other More Talented, Smarter, Harder-Working People


Doing something great is only for other more talented, smarter, harder-working people. Okay, so one out of three ain’t bad. I mean, hall of fame baseball players only bat .333

We know which one is the game-changer, so if we aren’t at the place in life we want to be, it’s because deep down, we use the first two as excuses.

Next Blog

Sh*t The Gurus Never Tell You

The video speaks for itself, but you have to listen closely and pay attention, or you’ll miss the underlying message, which is intended to help you transform yourself. By the way, transforming yourself has to start sometime. Eventually, the “sometime in the future when the timing in your life is better” will run out.

(next blog)

Wasn’t Looking for This

Writing five blogs every day has wonderful, and may I audaciously say, transformational benefits.  Far beyond what was ever thought possible.  And yet….

What comes along with the good – and everyone knows this as a “truth” – is the bad.  The bad in this case is writers block.  My first little bout came and went a few days ago.  It lasted a couple days.  Triggered mostly by time pressures, not lack of desire.

Anyway, following a daily routine of scanning Facebook, Twitter, LnkedIn, blogs, etc, I stumbled upon a LinkedIn status update.

Susan Harrow’s article, Changing Your Body Changes Your Self, is definitely worth a quick read.  Why?  Because she speaks about what is common knowledge, but not common practice.

One of the best ways to change our bodies is to use common sense. One of the best ways to use common sense is to focus on it every day. Ya with me?  Every single day.  Period.  Carpe diem.