Is It Too Difficult To Make Excellence A Daily Habit?

Did you catch the first sentence? A one-man cultural blitz. Why? Tebow has only one standard.

Culture is what people think and do, without thinking. Dear Son, because of your proximity to Walt Disney World, I can see you’re starting to comprehend where my constant focus and discipline comes from.

Is it too difficult to make excellence a daily habit? Not if you immerse yourself in a culture where excellence is the only acceptable standard.

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In Case It Wasn’t Blatantly Obvious Yesterday

It’s a trash can decoration. A trash can!

Did you pick up on yesterday’s message? Come on, seriously, I’m talking about ridiculous attention to details. Details most people don’t care about. And on top of that, details they never comprehend and therefore don’t appreciate.

Insight: People only notice when you don’t pay attention to details. That’s why you do it.

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The Most Inspirational Movies Of All Time Have A Common Theme

Conflict between what a character wants to become and what the character must do to fulfill their dream. And there’s always that one person who believes in the character’s dream. But the even more amazing part is the degree to which the character must be pushed to succeed, against all odds:

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Midlife Baby Boomers, How’s Your LinkedIn Profile?

From the very beginning, all the pieces look similar

Here’s what a professional antagonist looks like up close and personal. Midlife Baby Boomers, how’s your LinkedIn profile?

Boring. Plain vanilla. Ordinary. And this is assuming you even have a LinkedIn profile. The best time to be putting creative feelers out in the workplace is when you don’t have to. Hello, that would be now!

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