Back in the day, we hadn’t yet added the word please. Why? Excellence is a journey, it doesn’t fall from the sky.
Why is it important to be reminded or enlightened?
A positive catalyst is always helpful. Sometimes a negative catalyst proves equally as effective.
In prepping for a keynote yesterday, i am inspired to create questions regarding the speech’s leadership business insights.
To illustrate, with the audience’s words, not mine, how critical (and how simple) it is to apply the insights versus simply being familiar with the concepts.
Possible questions:
Why does knowing this matter? What grade do you earn daily, weekly, monthly on your delivery?
What, if anything, do you gain from this photo? (Photo is a Disney trash can inscribed with, “Trash Please”)
What do you do with the obvious fact that your behaviors drive how your employees treat your customers?
What do you do with the obvious fact that your employees’ behavior drives your customer’s brand loyalty?
What do you do with the fact that your customer’s loyalty drives long-term profit more than anything else you do?
Is it acceptable to downplay, and discount, common sense?
How do you feel about the second three-legged stool?
• • • • •
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Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, July 2015.
We see what we want to see. Patience is a virtue that we will never believe in if we aren’t willing to have faith in our integrity and expertise.
Three days ago signed a three-day engagement contract with a local client.
Last night another client got the green light from their Board to engage in an external business advisor (possibly me).
Out of the blue yesterday, a third client reached out to continue discussion about engaging my Disney expertise.
Also yesterday, the person recommended to me to help market and support Community Programs across the US and Canada accepted the invitation to collaborate.
Spoke at length, again, two days ago to the Pod Caster running Lee Cockerell’s Creating Magic podcast. Lee made the recommendation to me.
And this morning at 7:00am, we drive our son to his first day of High School freshman year.