jungle jeff Double Shot Sunday

jungle jeff Double Shot Sunday.  This is jungle jeff’s second post today on this particular blog, and sixth post overall today.  Google is your friend….

Thanks to Richard Fernandez, a new friend on Twitter, he posted this Chinese Proverb.

Talk about timing.  It’s a brilliant proverb.

So when you are frustrated that others think what you do doesn’t matter, or that people think you’re nuts because you think differently, remember this:

“A Man Who Says It Cannot Be Done, Should Not Interrupt The Man Doing It” – Chinese Proverb

Go for it.  Be strong.  Live strong.  Take the hill!

Carpe diem, jungle jeff noel  🙂

If you want, follow me on Twitter @jeffnoeldisney

Bob Iger on Social Media

A Social Media perspective, from Beet TV, featuring Bob Iger, CEO, The Walt Disney Company.  Bob says Disney isn’t embracing Social Media, Disney is embracing the consumer – it’s the consumer who is embracing social media.

I loved hearing Bob Iger say, “We’re simply going to reach more people in more ways”.

I’m with you Bob.  I’m right there with you.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

jungle jeff is on purpose

jungle jeff is on purpose.

Are you on purpose? If you are, fantastic.  If you’re not, there’s hope. Surely you believe there’s hope.

Walt Disney’s “Small World” is a classic song of hope.

Here are a few things I did to get and stay “on purpose”:

  1. Thought about my purpose.  A lot.
  2. Observed others who where on purpose.
  3. Observed others who weren’t.
  4. Evaluated the pros & cons for both.
  5. Committed to figuring it out.
  6. Visualized it.  Tasted it.  Felt it.
  7. Never gave up.
  8. Wrote it down.  Crafted every word.
  9. Eventually, made it ridiculously simple (from 463 words to two).
  10. Lived it.  Living it.  Carpe diem.

Did I get it right the very first time?  No.

Was is hard to do?  Yes.

Did it take a long time?  Yes.

In my opinion, if you want to unleash your fullest potential, you will do the hard work to figure this out.

Walt Disney and jungle jeff have a lot in common.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff :).

jungle jeff Road Trip

jungle jeff is on a road trip.

While it was never a childhood dream to be a professional speaker, there is no other profession I have more passion around.

As our young son grows and dreams big dreams, it’s my role (and my wife’s), to teach him how to live on purpose and with purpose.

Business leader’s have that same responsibility.   In fact every leader, in every organization does.

On purpose.   With purpose.

Are you crystal clear on where you are headed?  Better yet, would your team say you are?

Today’s program begins with key leadership deliverables.  And it starts with your vision.

Do you believe in your vision?  Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Are others compelled to follow you? Are they inspired by it?  Will they do whatever it takes?

Do you communicate your vision constantly?  Passionately?  With purpose? On purpose?

I know an eight year old who would answer yes to all of the above. Eight. Ya with me?  Eight.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Without Passion

“Without passion, a person gambles with their future”. — jeff noel

This morning as I checked Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it hit me. There’s a person who Tweets about cooking.  “Miss D”, I’ll call her, has a passion that is so clearly visible that I had to tell her it inspires me.

It doesn’t inspire me to cook.

Then what?

It inspires me to be inspired – with big dreams.

Yesterday, I purchased a Macbook for our son’s ninth birthday this week. He doesn’t know he’s getting it.  In fact he won’t be expecting it because he knows how expensive they are.

But I’ve been planting seeds.  “You should think of ways you can make money”.

So tell me, when is it too early to challenge a child to be thinking about earning money?  How crazy is it to encourage children to look at ways other than cutting grass, raking leaves, or doing chores?

Disney’s best leaders are the ones who have passion so clear and so deep, that their team believes anything is possible.

At home, it’s the same way for me.  “I believe if your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”. — jeff noel   Carpe diem!  🙂