Time management is about energy, not time

Muhlenberg dining hall
We drove as a Family to breakfast.


Muhlenberg dining hall
Our student tour guide described this dining hall as a cross between Hogwarts and a Ski Lodge.


Muhlenberg dining hall


walking in Allentown
Walking back to College hours after breakfast. This doubled my walking mileage for the day.


walking in Allentown
To show how close the Teddy Bears in the car are to the road.


Time Management shouldn’t be driven by a to-do list. Time management needs to be driven by priorities.

Giving attention to your responsibilities is hard to do because it takes time, focus, and self-discipline.

Who’s got time for that?

Focus, discipline, and expending energy (not time) is what elevates my life from survival to thriving.

Time and energy rarely walk together as equals.

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The CEO’s statements made sense until…

Cast window
The person in question also has a window on Main Street. Here’s mine.


You should reach out to her.

She’s getting older and her son isn’t ready to take over.

She’s going to pass her torch to someone.

It could be you.

The CEO’s statements made sense until i thought for a moment.

What didn’t make sense, and still doesn’t, is why i would be the one to make the first move on this.

When i rewind the tape from the past 12 years, i can’t think of more than one time when she asked me to come visit.

i must have initiated a dozen meetings with her.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


How did you get to a work 10?

St Mary Lake
The trailhead was accessible by boat.


On a scale of 1-10 (10 is best) how do you rate yourself for achieving consistent work (exceeding expectations, thinking and doing differently, and better) excellence?

How did you get to a 10?

Do you spend every day at a 10?

What do you do to stay at a 10?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.


The payoff for orchestrating our life

Balance expert jeff noel
Four boxes are easy to see. The fifth box is HQ, the one that surrounds the other four.



Culture is defined by habits.

(Our personal life is defined by habits as well.)

Vibrant or not, our life is a product of how well we orchestrate the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, work and home.

The secret is to become intentional where you have been less intentional or where you’ve completely ignored something (like flossing or exercise).

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.


Work & vacation everyday

Disney Business author jeff noel
Writing yesterday at Disney University, day 84 of 365.


Work & vacation everyday.

It’s possible.

But not if you’ve never done it and not if you believe you’ll never be able to.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.