The Only Blogging Constant Is Change

By the time most folks are ready for pancakes and bacon, I’m ready for lunch.

As the sun rises each morning, you can count on me to be pecking away at the keyboard with five daily, differently-themed blogs about Life’s Big Choices. You can also count on things you can not see.

Insight: Great teachers are almost always a few steps ahead of the students (because they love their role in the learning and discovery process).

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Idea Leadership And Timeless Insights May Be A Match Made In Heaven

Be prepared. In life. In business. As a parent. As a leader. (it’s all the same thing anyway)

By now many of you know me as The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger and how this was never a goal but simply a 100-day challenge to help my young son. Each morning I write five different blogs about Life’s Big Choices. This daily blogging has gone on for 2 years, 11 months and 3 days…

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The Thought Of Idea Leadership Is Compelling

Idea leadership leaves no trace. In nature this is good. In business, not so much.

I believe there’s this thing called idea leadership, but it’s either extinct because people got tired of deep thinking, or it strangely appears new because it’s so hard to find, rare even.

The paradox? The risk involved to embrace idea leadership either kills it on the vine from fear, or catapults it forward with unstoppable force from indomitable will.

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Welcome To Medicorityville, Be Thankful You Have Anything At All

Wouldn't this be nice? Fantasyland, eh?

Tough time to be good at anything other than playing it safe in today’s global financial crisis. To be great requires pushing, pulling, extraordinary effort.

The ROI for being great is much smaller these days. Difficult to find anyone willing to pay a premium for anything. So who’s willing to extend themselves – to be great – for a smaller return? We should all feel lucky to have a job with benefits….

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