The biggest mistake we Boomer entrepreneurs make is this

Store hours sign on shop's front door
Are the hours short on Sunday for the customers or employees?


The siren’s call is to focus on development and marketing – to continuously make those better…

The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make; there is a lack of sales focus. People are afraid of sales and focus on marketing and development instead. There is not enough emphasis on sales because of fear. You have to have an incredibly thick skin. You get rejected all the time.  – Robert Herjavec

Nothing happens until a sale is made.

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Ever hear something sounding so bad and so good at the same time?

Church social function
Great speakers do it for free for Churches and Schools


Ever hear something sounding so bad and so good at the same time? Last night leaving the classroom, heard an executive say, “The guy wanted $5,000 to speak to us. We’re never gonna hire someone asking only $5,000.”

Whatever we do for a living, are we delivering on an exhilarating level?


Of course.

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Why we really should focus on all the can’ts in our life

Central Florida landscape project
Can’t do it myself, but I can hire someone


Why we really should focus on all the can’ts in our life.

We get mired with all the things we can’t control – the government, work policies, state regulations, neighbors.

What if we really, seriously focused more on our can’ts?

  • I can’t wait – I must act
  • I can’t compromise – I must remain true
  • I can’t pretend – I must be authentic
  • I can’t deny – I must convince

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