How often do we underestimate our ability?

Orlando landscape crew with Live Oaks
Every acorn has the potential to be a mighty golden oak


How often do we underestimate our ability? We really so rarely think about this. And it costs us dearly.

An “aha” moment last night watching a portion of American Idol, when judge Keith Urban told a contestant to stop under estimating his voice. The judges see his potential, but the contestant doesn’t.

He’s a great singer, but doubts he is phenomenal.

And this applies to each of us as well.

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The paradox of measurement and significance

Super Dome sign Game Changer
Going from managing things to leading people


The paradox of measurement and significance:

Many of the things you can count, don’t count. Many of the things you can’t count really count. – Einstein

There are great measurements, like hours worked at a place, for example, that can prove someone worked hard all week.

There are great measurements, like results, that can prove someone was effective regardless of how many hours worked last week.

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