Love when a blinding flash of the obvious is put on trial

Hayward Field home grandstand
You don’t have to be a runner, but you do need to do something (Hayward Field is Running’s Mecca)


Our overall health has a major impact on our job performance.

Love when a blinding flash of the obvious is put on trial. Our ability to perform our job art is diminished in direct proportion to our health.

While I can write without issue, being able to stand in front of an audience and be fully alive and engaging is, well, severely limited.

The double inguinal hernia repair surgery recovery is going slow and steady.

Thank goodness for Oxycodone. And a brand new bed.

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Can we overcome the burning desire, and should we?

Teddy Bear using seat belt in child car seat
At Disney, Safety takes a backseat to nothing (a guiding principle today?) (photo from 2005)


The big question this morning is how well do over achiever’s follow Doctors orders?

Hoping a lifetime of focus and discipline will overcome the burning desire temptation to be present at Mike’s Celebration of Life in five hours.

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