Better Business Blogging? (bonus?)

Just posted a new Page today and thought some of you may be interested.  It’s called Better Business Blogging 101.

Many of you won’t find it useful, because you already have been blogging much longer than I have, and, you’ll find it to be too lengthy.   Others might be intrigued by the approach I’ve taken and profit from it.

However, if you’d like to offer any professional advice, it will be accepted in the spirit it was asked for, sincerely and with great intent.

Do what you fear and the death of that fear is certain.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Happy Friday

So much to say, so little time.

Ever feel like that?

If you’ve become a regular reader of jungle jeff, THANK YOU.  I welcome your input on how to make this more relevant and useful.   I’ve always said, “The road to excellence has no finish line.”

Wish I had the wisdom to know how to create the perfect blog.  You know the one, a blog that exceeds every one’s expectations.

What is wisdom anyway?

In the spirit of sharing and inspiring, click on WISDOM, to see a short video with insights from some wise people you’ll recognize.

Hope your day is full of wise choices and inspiration.  May I challenge you to make it that kind of day, because if you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Did I do it?

Indeed! Did you?

Yesterday, I promised to do what I do every day. I also gently asked you to “plant a seed“. Remember? A small seed to take daily, calculated risks to move your great, and maybe impossible, goal forward.

Technology is the way. Period. End of story!

To me, it isn’t one of the issues facing businesses today, it is THE issue!

Last night, reflecting back on the day, it hit me!

LinkedIn is: A 24-hour virtual meeting. A virtual business card. A remarkable tool with unlimited power to market your business.

You can pop in and out of the virtual 24-meeting at any time to see who’s there and what they’re talking about.  There are a ton of smart people using it.  In fact, there are currently 38,000,000.  That number is projected to mushroom to 300-400 million soon.

Studying the Disney organization since I was a kid, it has taught me to instinctively understand that the next great idea can come from anyone in our organization.  Or even anyone, anywhere in the world.

All we have to do is pay attention, which is hard at today’s busy pace.

Make this a great day to pay attention.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂

Why ask these questions?

I often ask myself, “Are you doing all you can do to embody the ideals of Walt and Roy Disney“?

Another popular question, “Are their values still relevant“?

Still another, “How can I demonstrate those values in the best way possible“?

Why these questions?

Because Walt Disney and Roy Disney were razor-focused on delivering the very best product, pushing boundaries, and growing their business.

That still seems relevant to me.  Does it to you?

Make it a great day.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Scary thought?

If you would have asked me a dozen years ago if I’d ever thought I’d be a public, motivational speaker, I’d have told you, “Not in a million years“.  It was never on my radar, nor was it ever a childhood dream.

You know the scary part?  And by the way, when the scary thought starts creeping into my consciousness, I have to immediately distract myself.  Otherwise, I might get sick.

The scary part is that everyone expects public speakers to be smart and funny.

Smart and funny.

Are you kidding me?

Do what you fear and the death of that fear is certain.  Public speaking also boosts self-confidence.  Self-confidence boosts your leadership thinking.  And that, as they say, could very well be money in the bank.

So today, I’m going to do something I fear, like taking calculated risks to move a great idea forward.  It’s risky because the goal seems impossible to many people.  But that won’t stop me.  Will it stop you?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂