Only a heretical professional speaker would never give the same speech twice

large stadium seating
Excitement and unpredictability are universally desirable


Only a heretical professional speaker would never give the same speech twice.

What the speaker loses in scalability, consistency, comfort, and predictability she gains in engagement, authenticity, excitement, and trust.

The leader’s job isn’t to maintain the status quo, the leaders job is to break the mold.

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Climbing up the ladder of success, and buying more and bigger stuff

Group of Giraffes in Florida Zoo
No ladders to climb with Mother Nature


The paradox of the American rat race, climbing up the ladder of success, and buying more and bigger stuff:

Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time. – Margaret Bonanno, American writer

Very difficult to earn serious income without serious time commitment.

The challenge (and opportunity) is to find a way to travel in any direction, and be happy with the view.

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Is it too much risk to ask someone to consider the next few days as the most important?

An early (2008) jeff noel LinkedIn profile summary
An early (2008) jeff noel LinkedIn profile summary


Is it too much risk to ask someone to consider the next few days as the most important in their career?

We attend classes and seminars as part of our career development.

Could the ones I deliver be in fact the most important of someone’s entire life?

Not only could they, it’s my obligation.

Most speakers forget this, if they even believed it at all.

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