How to tell if you are a manager or a leader

best speeches ever text
The best speeches transform our life


How to tell if you are a manager or a leader:

Next time you attend a leadership class, seminar, conference see if your thoughts go like this (either one or the other):

1. Wow, my leader sure has a lot of improvements to make.
2. I sure hope the speaker ends soon so I can go get started on making personal changes.

You’re welcome.

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Do you write a lot of stuff about how great you are on the self evaluation forms?

MBA project
Submitted my MBA final project assignment on the eve of September 11


Person 1: Are you ready for your annual work evaluation?

Person 2: Yes.

Person 1: Do you write a lot of stuff about how great you are on the self evaluation forms?

Person 2: Yes… but it doesn’t matter.

Person 1: Then why do you write so much stuff?

Person 2: So I can look back and have a record of all the stuff I did.

Person 1: Ok.

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Find a million ways to stay motivated to keep from going to autopilot

Back of the room was our av guru
Back of the room was an av guru


In any life category, how do we push ourselves all day, everyday, to keep from going through the motions?

Yesterday did two things I’ve never done in a classroom before. And this is on top of doing roughly a dozen other rare things.

Find a million ways to stay motivated to keep from going on autopilot.

This is our responsibility and no one else’s.

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