Literary Agent Panel

If you visit jungle jeff regularly, you are most likely in pursuit of excellence, in any endeavor, even something as “low paying” as parenting.

Steve Harrison is an expert at what he does – get aspiring authors the strategies and tactics they need to land a book publishing deal.

Here’s a 39-minute video choke full of valuable publishing insights from a panel of literary agents and a book distributor.

Delta Airlines Agent Delivers the Wow Factor

On a recent trip, a Delta Airlines Attendant engaged me in an otherwise routine and unengaging part of flying – taking off.

Below are two You Tube video links for short, but interesting views of how something so ordinary can become extraordinary.

First clip.

Second clip.

Make it a GREAT Monday, because if you don’t, who will.  If not this Monday, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Amazon Best Selling Author Tips

Peggy McColl and Steve Harrison are trying to help writers become best selling authors.

How do I know? Because it is of great personal interest.

You may not have aspirations to become a best selling author. That’s ok.

You may not have aspirations to be a great leader. That’s ok too.

But please don’t complain when you look back on your life and say you shoulda, woulda or coulda. That’s not ok. Okay?


Yeah, I definitely have to get past a certain mind-set. In primary school, I thought, I don’t want to stop with a Bachelor’s degree. So, what’s left? A masters?
Life, to me, was a series of accomplishments. Milestones were degrees. I equated social class with them. I’m getting over it (still haven’t given up on the MBA goal though, maybe I will). It was definitely an entitlement mentality – If I fulfill these requirements, then these are owed to me. Just like little league. As long as I play, I’ll get a trophy. I’ve seen many places that chalk that up to Millenials.
I had all the right opportunities, but took away some of the wrong lessons.
I had this false sense of security – I’d find a job where I’d be for 35 years until I retired. Who cares what is was, it was stable.
I think that’s why I was so good at tests. If I knew how to work the system, who cares what I was learning. Who cares about the lessons and principles, as long as I was passing the tests.
Drastic wake-up call when I got to college and really hated what I was doing. Then what did I have to fall back on? Taking tests?
Taking tests in what? Well they got me into college. Got me good scholarships too. But, do you really have to work hard to do well at tests? Not really.
But you do have to work hard at the application of the principles. Ugh…it was easier to just pass the tests.OK, got that stream of consciousness out of the way. Can you tell I’m not a fan of standardized testing? If you have a chance, check out John Taylor Gatto. I intend to. If he hasn’t spoken at TEDTalks yet, he needs to.