Keynote Speaker Phillip Van Hooser

Disney fans, jungle jeff readers, Executives, Leaders, entrepreneurs, and everyone else visiting jungle jeff today, I’ve got a special opportunity for you.

It is my distinct pleasure to introduce you to Phillip Van Hooser, MBA, CSP, CPAE, and President Elect – The National Speaker’s Association (NSA).

The reason I feel so compelled to do this is because I met Phil, and got to know him, at the 2009 NSA Winter Conference at The Walt Disney World Resort a few months ago.

I particularly want to share his June 15 blog post entitled, The Truth About Managing Change.

Phil’s blog post on managing change struck a chord with me, when I read this excerpt:

“A transformational leadership approach says, “It’s already broken, or it’s going to break. How can we seize the opportunities we have now to make it better?”

In these turbulent times, we have the opportunity to use a level of creativity and innovation that rarely, if ever, gets tapped.

Creativity involves risk.  Risk jeopardizes consistency.  Consistency is the hallmark of quality service.  Quality service is how you build your brand.

If your brand is actually your reputation, you might go as far as saying that your very reputation is on the line.

Scary, eh?

Our rewards in life are directly linked to the level of creativity, and it’s inherent risk, we demonstrate.

I hope you have time to visit Phil’s website, view a few of his videos and read his blog.  If you are looking for inspiration and practical ideas, you won’t have to look far.

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will?  If not today, when?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Orlando’s jungle jeff Air Tran WOW!

Orlando’s jungle jeff is still talking about his Air Tran experience.

OK, this is the final Air Tran installment – two more jeff noel You Tube videos.

This is all my eight-year old son’s fault.   When he was born, I shelved our 35mm SLR camera with the wide-angle and telephoto lens, and bought a Sony digital camera – the smallest, pocket-style one they made.  I currently have the Sony T-70.  It’s always in my pocket.  Always!

The best way to get people enthusiastic is to be enthusiastic.

Don’t believe it.  Try getting people to be enthusiastic about something important, using a sincere lack of enthusiasm.  Ya with me?

So here are Air Tran You Tube videos – parts two and three:

So what does all this mean?

At the end of the second video (part three), you hear me say, “Are you trying to get better everyday?  I know Air Tran is”?

Are the people around you committed to getting better?  I bet they are.

But if they’re not, take a look in the mirror.  Do you see a mountain of enthusiasm?

Best wishes for continued success.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

PS.  While everyone is working desperately hard to survive these turbulent economic times, there is also an invisible opportunity in our midst.  I’ll write more about it later.

Orlando’s jeff noel & Branding

Orlando’s jeff noel talks about Air Tran’s quest for excellence and domination in a tough business and even tougher economy.

Here’s jeff noel’s You Tube video from June 4, on a return trip from the University of Pittsburgh to Orlando.

Watch this You Tube video on Air Tran’s Branding to see what I’m talking about:

Every day is a great day to Brand Yourself. Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Disney, Branding, Disney?

Disney, Branding, Disney?

Personal branding is something we are all aware of, right?  Just like personal wellness is something we are all aware of.  Are you with me?

OK, so we know these things, but the people who actually get great results, versus good results, are those that work the hardest.

Seriously, it’s what we all know to be true, but hate to admit.

Why, because hard work is, well, hard.

Here’s a case in point from my early morning drive to work this past Friday.

Like Tiger told me a year ago, “Out work ’em”!

Words to live by, but only if you want to get great results.

If great results are not part of your responsibilities, then I would just enjoy this post for what it is.

A personal opinion expressed by someone brought up in a culture where getting great results is a personal brand.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂