Quick Pulse Check

Are Your Dreams Heading To The Landfill?
Are Your Dreams Heading To The Landfill?

If you asked yourself these questions, what score would you give yourself, with 10 being the highest and 1 lowest?

1.  “I’m completely excited to wake up each day to go to my job?”

2.  “I wouldn’t change a thing about my current job, it’s a perfect fit?”

Are You Teaching Others?


To teach is to learn twice.

Are you teaching others?

This jungle jeff blog is about Money, and our contribution to society.

Do you teach those around you the relative significance to pursuing, discovering, and then harnessing their contribution to society?

You can cook the french fries, you can manage the restaurant, or you can own the franchise.

Each level has a certain skill set, a list of pros and cons, as well as a list of expectations.

Society pays us accordingly for that.

With money, we can buy food, shelter, transportation, insurance, help others, etc.

Are you teaching others?

Work Life Saver

People Talk About You All The Time
People Talk About You All The Time

Balance can ruin a career, and it can save a career.

I heard a story about Walt Disney’s wife, secretary and even his physician, all saying, “Walt, you need to get a hobby or you’ll work yourself into an early grave.”

Having the distraction of a hobby can actually make you sharper, more focused, more creative, more observant.

And if your hobby not only fuels your passion, but also teaches you more than you could have ever imagined, imagine that!

People who study Walt Disney’s life know that he was labeled by many as crazy.  And that he insisted on nothing short of perfection. Always aim for perfection he’d say, and settle for excellence.

This is how life works. We face countless challenges. People may call us crazy, demanding.

They may also call us passionate, purposeful, visionary.

A real, work life saver.

Balance Wellness Blah Blah Blah

Keep Your Reputation Afloat
Keep Your Reputation Afloat

Our self-image, in many cases, is tied to our title at work.

Our title at work is tied to our reputation.

Our reputation is tied to our habits.

Our habits are tied to our insecurities.

Our insecurities are tied to our self-image.

Now that we’ve come full-circle, so what?

So, balance doesn’t do much for your reputation, unless you have people you love, who are more important than your career.

But that doesn’t do much for your reputation.