Fidelity Benefits should be calling soon

Orlando Based motivational speakers


(photo: Retired on Halloween… scary as heck)

As we go through life, the things that we excitedly wait for change. Fidelity Benefits should be calling any day now to announce that retirement is officially processed. It ain’t official until it’s official. Meanwhile…

Day one of week two. Retirement isn’t the right word to describe this situation. Retirement conjures images of rest and relaxation. What’s happening is anything but.

Six years of not quitting the day job have led to the official launch of being self-employed. While it’s painful to leave Disney after 30 years, it’s the right (gutsy) thing to do.

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Thank you Baymax for being so caring

Big Hero 6 inflatable balloon at Downtown Disney


Big Hero 6 inflatable balloon at Downtown Disney


(photos: Saturday November 8, 2014… day two of Big Hero 6’s release)

Why time stamp these posts? Why are they 100 days old?

Orlando based motivational speaker, jeff noel, is the Grateful Dead of blogging.

Most people don’t get the Dead’s music. But some do. And the ones who do, enjoy a very special connection that others aren’t interested in.

Besides that, the writing here isn’t to create a following, it’s to create a ruckus.

Starting with the person typing these very words.

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With the courage and strength to push humility aside…

Disney University daily event board
Disney University daily event board.


Disney is a category of one. Meaning there is no equal. Not even a close runner-up.

The first work week as a small business entrepreneur has been mind blowingly self reflective.

With the strength and courage to push humility aside, as painful as that is, it’s easy to conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt there is no other professional speaker with the depth and breath of jungle jeff.

When you believe in something, believe in it all the way. – Walt Disney

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No one tells stories like Disney


Disney’s Hero 6 premiers today, November 7, 2014. Hope to see it before tomorrow. We’ll see.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Been away (officially on paper) for five days.

So reassuring to carry the lifetime Disney ID in the wallet.

Once a Disney Cast Member, always a Disney Cast Member.

Especially after 30 years.

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