i wanted to change the world

Google art on elementary school white board
Years ago in our son’s elementary school classroom. Artist unknown.


i wanted to change the world.

Most American professionals have similar feelings.

Many Americans dream of their own entrepreneurial business.

So in 2014 i retired, to begin in earnest, as an entrepreneur.

It was something i wanted to do ‘someday’ (photo above).

This train of thought continues with “i always feel behind” at the next Blog

Teaching all these people one at a time

Disney Speakers Twitter Profile


(photo: Yesterday’s Twitter profile… social media is the new art canvas.)

Teaching people to love themselves.

Teaching leaders to love their employees.

Teaching employees to love their customers.

Teaching customers to love the world.

Teaching the world to never get bored with the basics.

Next Blog

On the cusp of your Independence Day?

Malala Noble Peace Prize winner


(photo: Malala, a teenager, received the Noble Peace Prize yesterday.)

Are you on the cusp of your Independence Day?

Remaining independent yet working together is what delivers breakthroughs in our quest for a better world.

But we have taught ourselves it’s reserved for someone else.

Just ask Malala how misguided our notion is.

Next Blog

Brazil lost 7-1 to Germany yesterday (July 8)

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil playoff chart


(photo: World Cup playoff chart. Photo taken two days ago walking through Epcot on our way to lunch at Japan)

Brazil lost 7-1 to Germany yesterday (July 8).


The heavily favored host Country lost?


Imagine being Germany.

Effective leadership is required, win or lose. Day in, day out.

At the World Cup.

In our every step.


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