He hopes he’s right

David Smith sent this email October 7… (will be parking this post at the top for a few days… please scroll down for the daily posts)…

While my faith is not Mormon, I do enjoy their YouTube Channel, especially the music. When I saw the title of this video which was spoken word, I had to listen to it. I think it describes you and what you believe and teach. I hope I’m not wrong.



Live like you mean it.

Looks good on paper but really, who’s got time?

Wishful thinking
Interesting photo pulled from FB but cannot recall the originator (wishful thinking?)


When we are overwhelmed (probably daily) with things to do and think about, it’s often best to pause.

To regroup.

To think.

To take stock.

To reprioritize.

To plan.

To unpause and take action.

Better action than before the pause.

But our work is our mistress.

Who’s got time?

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Five midlife reasons to love Disneyland – one themed reason on each blog

Google maps John Wayne Airport to Disney's Grand Californian Resort and Spa
Cab ride last night was quick and easy. Zero traffic on Easter Sunday evening.


Five midlife reasons to love Disneyland – one themed reason on each blog:

4. First visit in 43 years thanks to work. Last visit was as a 12-year old.  (money)

Six full work days using Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure as a living laboratory to support and enhance the transformational classroom focus.

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Dear Son, who decides who the luckiest person alive is?

Disney World sweatshirt
What if someone was a teacher and their classroom was Walt Disney World Resort?


Who decides who the luckiest person alive is?

Using what criteria?

Can we make it up ourselves?

Don’t judge yourself against others.

Neither of you is traveling the same path.

Learn to be blissful on your path or find a different path.

And a different path may be the same path, but with someone, or going in the opposite direction.

Yeah, life is full of distractions and illusions.

You’re in charge of figuring this stuff out and thriving in spite of it all.

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