Richard Branson’s Top 10 lists

Disney Customer Service speakers
Leadership quote.


Richard Branson has a variety of top 10 quotes lists. This one is on Leadership:

Top 10 quotes lists.

The bonus in clicking the link is there are many other categories, including his top 10 Walt Disney quotes.

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The Top Three Leadership Non-Negotiables, In Order Of Importance

Parents trust I'll make healthy choices, and respect me for that, as I show the boys grilled chicken, baked potato and milk are better options.

Profoundly simple. Simply profound. Top three leadership non-negotiables every employee needs to thrive:

  1. Trust me
  2. Respect me
  3. Develop me

Notice that if #1 isn’t present, the other two won’t be either.

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Usually 50% At Best

Trust. Distrust.

Like.  Dislike.

Do you trust your leader?  Do you like your leader?

Take President Barack Obama, or any President for that matter.  Usually, at best, a President receives between 50-60% of the popular vote.  More or less half. Stay with me here.

What this means is the other half don’t like and don’t trust the President, relatively speaking.

And it’s the same in large organizations and small businesses. Seriously, it is.

Why do we try so hard to be liked, when in reality, the best we can ever hope for is about half.

Take Simon Cowell, from American Idol (yes, many of you hate Simon and the show), while many people do not like him, everyone trusts that he will tell the truth.

And the reason we know Simon will always tell the truth, is because he always does. Sounds simple, but Simon is consistent to a fault. He’s honest even if it’s “bad news”.

And yet, he’s crystal clear about his mission – select the very best singer. Period. Determine the “Gold Medal” winner. Select the next American Idol.

Most don’t like him. Most absolutely trust him.

If trust is the most important leadership characteristic, who gives a flip about being liked?

The Key To Passion

The key to passion is to move from selfishness to selflessness.

When I earnestly try to comprehend this, it begins to transform my motives.

Motives drive thinking and thinking drives behavior.

Behavior drives whether or not we are selfish, or selfless.

It’s very simple.  Very elusive.  And yet, it’s the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We all know this to be true, eventually, if we live long enough.

Whether we act on this new found knowledge determines our outcome in life.

And this outcome will determine whether we gave or took, whether or not we harnessed the key to passion.  Whether we were a follower or a leader.