Great moments are born from great opportunity

steve jobs quote
Simplicity is operational genius. As CEO of You, Inc, you are in charge of the day-to-day operations in your daily life.


Great moments are born from great opportunity.

Death is your opportunity.

In our purposeful dying, we find peace, contentment, freedom, joy, and an absence of fear.

Fearless leaders are inspiring.

Joyful people are inspiring.

Content people are inspiring.

Peace-filled people are inspiring.

Great leaders are inspiring.

Inspire yourself.


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Solitude is an important leadership development tool

Highline Trail
Highline Trail (where i’m standing in this photo) in September, in the morning, from Granite Park Chalet, is deserted for miles.


Solitude is an important leadership development tool.


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Hate reading?

Howe Ridge fire Glacier 2018
Howe Ridge fire Glacier 2018, closeup of the northern edge above Lake McDonald.


Howe Ridge fire Glacier 2018
The main Howe Ridge fire at Glacier (started by lightning Augst 11, 2018) is behind the far ridge.


Read what you love until you love to read.” –


Hate reading?

i get it.

Many authors take 300 pages to say what could be said in 60.

Videos are a great way to learn about anything leadership.

Studying leadership is not optional.


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i wish i would have started a year ago

Mt Clements Glacier
Mt Clements, July 24, 2014.


If we do not change the way we teach, 30 years from now we will be in trouble. —Jack Ma, CEO


My advice is to start with yourself. This has a ripple effect of your kids (or the young people in your life if you don’t have kids).

My other piece of advice is twofold: do something different within 72 hours and become more positive, healthier, more grounded, remarkably better at work, and more organized at home – that you don’t say, “I wish I would have started a year ago.”


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Riddle me this

Two Dog Flats restaurant
We joked in 2014 about returning to Glacier to have lunch here again.


Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.  – Vala Afshar


Summarized understanding of challenges and opportunities from our Summer talks:

  • It’s clear the frontline has great communication with direct leader but there is  poor communication perception with senior leadership
  • Owning the message is an opportunity – if a decision doesn’t make sense, then it’s okay to push back
  • Lack of trust for absence of being transparent – it’s easier to play it safe
  • Stop being short-sighted from a cost perspective
  • People stop asking because the answer will be no
  • Not looking at everything through the patient’s eyes
  • In Town Hall we got the eye roll,” Here we go again” on patient experience
  • How do we work together when we used to compete
  • Recent significant leadership reorg – one property not prepared, the other it was better
  • The Whole Care Experience is AHS’s drive for consistency with history, mission, vision, standards
  • Some Ad Council leaders were promoted and others were demoted (title only)

The above create a significant opportunity to rally around The Whole Care Experience in an inspiring, motivating, and exciting way.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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