Funny thing about what people really want

Walt Disney Legacy Award recipients
Never saw this honor coming. Not in a million years. To personify is great wealth.


Funny thing about what people really want. We start out believing it’s a great paycheck.

Money to purchase the things we want to own and do the things we want to do.

Eventually we get it.

(more or less, hopefully)

And then realize life ain’t about the money.

It’s about autonomy, mastery, and purpose – which allow us to make a positive dent in the Universe.

To personify Walt Disney’s good and decent and lofty values.

Which makes us rich.

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We have to start our own fire

Very large conference audience
Be careful what you wish for, we just might get it


We have to start our own fire.

And be careful what we wish for.

Fame and fortune are not necessarily the things that bring peace, unless the fruits of the success are lavished on those less fortunate.

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What is a leader’s daily responsibility?

Three Orange County Florida Flags blowing in the wind
To whom are you loyal and why?


To whom are you loyal and why?

Many organizations lose good employees, not because the company is questionable, but because a particular leader is.

Leadership is the silver bullet.

Similar to parenting.

A daily obligation to make people feel something.

Inspiration is the main job of leadership.

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One of society’s dirty little secrets, and a great source of codependence

American Flag blowing in the wind with dark skies behind it


While celebrating our birthdays is socially acceptable and expected, finding our life’s purpose is not.

One of society’s dirty little secrets, and a great source of codependence.

The norm is to get a job to pay the bills.

Because it is such an overwhelmingly common, well-worn path, we will die not ever really have lived.

Break the mold.

Follow your own path.

Do good and decent work.

Be inspired and inspiring.

Happy birthday Chapin.

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