“Who needs this”?, is stereotypically said in a sarcastic tone, and maybe even with our arms thrown up in the air is frustration. Can you picture it?
But that’s not what I mean here. Not today ever.
Today, in these tough economic times, these extraordinarily turbulent world times, we need this.
We need leaders.
Not managers. Well, we need managers, but not as much as we desire leaders.
We need someone with passion to make a difference.
Most humans are hard-wired to do good – to make a difference. But most are hard-wired, also, to fear. Fear keeps good people, who want to make a difference, in the shadows, where it’s safe.
We don’t need any more people in the shadows. it’s too crowded there. We need people to go out in the sun, and lead the others who want to make a difference, but have no one to follow.