If dad’s first love was his work, we take our job to be our full-time mistress and wonder if dad is watching from his grave as we work ourselves into an early one.
John Lee
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People go nuts when they see a photo like this. Why? Not sure. What stops any of us from picking up trash all the time? Walt’s actions shouldn’t surprise us.
Your actions should not come as a surprise.
When a CEO “gets caught picking up trash”, a buzz is created.
Because she’s setting such a great example, right?
Here’s my point (again), why would this ever become newsworthy? Isn’t the CEO always picking up trash? In my world, this should never astonish and inspire people.
Because everyone should be picking up trash all the time.
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Are they balanced in all five of life’s big buckets, or do they excel in several?
Look for balance.
Balance is the key.
Mind, body, spirit, work, and home.
Neglect or underperforming in one area exerts suffering on the other four.
Neglect or underperforming in two areas and you are exponentially suffering in the other three.
Heaven forbid you excel in only two areas.
No one talks about this because it’s so pervasively avoided that avoidance is the only medication to the painful reality that everyone thinks balance is a myth.
And when i say everyone, i mean everyone but the outliers, the misfits, the round pegs in a square hole.
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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.
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600 people staring at you expecting you to be smart and funny.
Keeping it simple is extraordinarily taxing because simple is easily dismissed as not valid.
First keynote speaking engagement outside of Florida since retiring from 30 incredible years at Disney. Which, by the way, has always been the plan – to be able to leave my driveway (to speak) and return to it the same day, without hopping on a plane.
Don’t know how i used to do it week after week.
Fly all day. AV check. Dinner. Review presentation (again). Sleep.
Wake. Breakfast. Review presentation. First one in the room for another AV check. Facilitate transformational content all day. Last one to leave the room. Dinner. Check email and do admin stuff. Bed.
Often, the above step is repeated several days in a row.
Wake. Maybe a run. Taxi to airport. Fly all day. Maybe home by dinner time. Maybe not.
Not home in time for dinner last night, Friday the 13th.
This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.