When We Don’t Go, We Make Mistakes, But We Don’t Make Any Progress

We really don't want to focus on the obvious so we medicate & distract ourselves

Two types of mistakes a Baby Boomer can make, says Midlife Celebration’s prolific blogger jeff noel. The first is in trying, but failing. These are good, honest mistakes. Fail, yes. Quit no. More often though, in midlife, we make the dangerous second type…

The second type of mistake is an act of omission, in not trying. As we inch closer to 2012, consider making a bold, but not stupid, move. Three years ago on January 1, 2008, noel started an LLC. Scary, yes. Bold, yes. Go.

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There’s A Couple Things jeff noel From Midlife Celebration Says Are Important To Know

jeff noel is as goofy as the next CEO, and starts every day on his knees in prayer

A couple important insights from Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel:

1. Owning your own business is risky
2. Owning your own business lets you call the shots
3. Some will love your choices, some won’t
4. Not everyone loved Jesus, but he marketed faith, hope and charity anyway
5. noel’s prolific blogging has come a really long way since November 2008
6. Every overnight success takes a decade or two

You can wait until you get more time, money or gonads courage, but time will not wait for you. Sorry. As a Boomer, you know this. Go.

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Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel Often Pushes Humility Aside Because He’s VP Of Marketing

Jesus was the ultimate humble marketer

Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel often pushes humility aside because he’s VP of marketing. Marketing is designed to sell more stuff, to more people, more often. It’s that simple. And Google loves “more”. It’s how Google factors page rank. Who doesn’t want to be on Google’s front page?

Note: Posts like this one, full of my name and other important keywords, will be fading away. Just part of experimentation and the desire to continuously improve.

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Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel Is Here To Summarize All The Leadership Books & Article Wisdom Into One Word

Take any setting where trust is important...
It can be serious, fun, whatever....
Along comes someone who has a reputation....
What do you do? Control the controllables.

Every book, article, blog, class on leadership all say the same thing. But they don’t come out and identify it as a single word. Not because it’s not important, but because few people think in terms of the most important word, period. That’s what jeff noel at Midlife Celebration has been doing for years – creating the thesis’ for complex, important topics.

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When It Comes To Advancing In Our Job, What Are Some Common Sense Tactics To Get Ahead

There's a lot of crap out there, be careful

How many self-help leadership books and articles have been written about career management, getting ahead and becoming a better leader? A gazillion, more or less. Boomers, ever stop to wonder what they’re all trying to say?

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