Dear Son, Being Brave Will Test Every Creative And Emotional Muscle You Have

Dear Son, being brave (courageous) is touted as an essential leadership characteristic. Skill or a trait? Born with it or developed? Does it even matter?

At the end of the day, look back and try to have at least one thing you did that scared you. Try, win. Lose, learn. Launch, learn, repeat.

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Photo from AMC Theater promoting Disney Pixar’s Brave, coming 2012.

This Is What Happens The Harder You Work

The harder you work, the more you take risks, the greater confidence you develop in knowing the audience knows the truth.

And so, here’s the truth, in this picture, about jeff noel The Blog Whisperer…

The wish we all wish for is Peace. Easier to teach others when you have a bunch yourself.

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What’s Your Social Net-Worth? Not Nearly What You Might Think When You Do The Math

Most can’t see it. The very people hiding Friend’s status updates likely have theirs hidden. So then what’s the net worth of a social network? Two pics, same subject…

One with intentional reflection. The other, without. jeff noel’s goal – capture a glimpse of the artist in action, but afraid most would call it sloppy.

Being antagonistic feels good, and not so good. The intent is only for good.

Tell us again your social net worth.

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