Do well-seasoned business leaders have any room left for transformation?

Mid Life Celebration book at Calgary airport horse sculpture
Difficult, but not impossible, to transform a free-spirited wild horse


Why are professional speakers entrusted to share world class, business concepts in a transformational style?

What exactly is a transformational style?

And why should they be entrusted?

And does an audience of well-seasoned business leaders have any room left in their psychological portfolio for transformation?

These are questions that have adaptability to any person, doing any type of work.

Even if your main role is stay-at-home-Mom (do teens have any room left for transformation?).

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Will anyone complain if we make things easier to understand?

Quote about insight
Insight allows you to see things that others may miss (Physician’s x-ray lab wall)


No one will complain if the teacher makes things easier to understand. Not the audience anyway.

But folks that think more is more, folks that are much less prone to refining, and folks that have incredible disparity between what they teach and what they do in real life – they will be the first to complain of an excellent teacher’s methods.

And so it goes.

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If you’d like to go to my LinkedIn profile and endorse ‘simplicity’ that would be swell. It’s right there next to the other two skills listed: determination and humility.

If I have to explain this further, you won’t understand

Fascinated (fixated?) by Apple colors and design
Fascinated (fixated?) by Apple colors and design


Once we fully understand the why, we can pick our own how.

In speaking to a million people since 1999, have been trained to understand business insights – common sense at it’s glorious, most illuminated best.

Rare is the person or organization that focuses on the why.

We’ve been misled to focus on how and what.

If we need this explained further, we won’t understand.

If we feel confused, it’s because we do not yet understand the secret of why.

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