And so it goes, at work

22-second video: Didn’t intend to arrive near nightfall, however an airline delay created this late-day moment.
10-second video: Surreal to be in this present moment.

The future is calling and i must go.


The reality of the eye challenge is that the cause is simply from aging.

Like human hair turning grey, aging eventually sees to it that everyone’s hair turns grey.

This is a new phase of life for me.

A beginner, so to speak.

A rookie.

Uncharted territory.

The future is calling and i must go. (hat tip to John Muir for his, “The mountains are calling and I must go.”

Ps. Hey jeff, happy hiking.

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Last night

Track & Field 2023 day 7 competition schedule
Have been enjoying the 2023 Track & Field World Championships for the past week. A great diversion.

Yesterday, and especially last night, the nerves the 2023 Track & Field World Championships athletes must feel the night before they compete.

Note: Dr Kumar said recovery is going exactly as hoped. That said, however, there is blood in the eyeball. Doc said sometimes the surgery can have an “oozy” (rhythms with boozie) recovery.

This means i need to double down on efforts to be a complete ‘couch-potato”.

Ain’t gonna lie, i was outside a lot since surgery.


No pain in eye makes you forget the absolute radical physical impact to the eyeball.

If you can’t see blood or feel pain, and you are not expecting to have sight for several weeks, everything is okay, right?


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Feels good at work

One of sound leadership’s signature traits is courage.

Facing loss and especially change with courage is admirable.

A test we all want to pass, but never voluntarily ask to take.

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Not Back to Glacier, work

Vitreous floaters diagram poster
In hindsight, i had a massive uptick in floaters the week leading to the loss of vision from the tears and detachment – leading to the eyeball filling with blood.

Wisdom comes from experience, experience comes from making mistakes.


Was it a mistake to simply live (and hike) with the high uptick of floaters?

At the time, no.

But with what i know now, it will be a mistake to accept it in the future.

Experience, mistakes, and now wisdom, have taught me to seek Dr Kumar’s assistance if ever a similar experience recurs.

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Post Operation followup, work

God, the Universe, karma, they all speak to you. Wise are they who listen intently.


Signs, clues, suggestions, mandates, magic, and a host of other messages are constantly available. The busier you are the less you notice. The less you notice, the less you receive. The less you receive, the weaker you live.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.