Benefits of Corporate Blogs

What are the benefits of Corporate Blogs?  Many, to be sure.  So what are they?

That page is still being written.  It’s so new, to most people, that there hasn’t yet been enough time to make any concrete predictions.

However, I’ll go on record and predict this – every great organization will have a Corporate Blog(s).

Don’t believe it?  That’s okay.  I’m flying Delta this week.  In checking to see if my flights have wifi, I discovered something else.

Click here to see Delta’s Corporate Blog.  Pretty cool.

The business world is just getting warmed up.  And so am I.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Delta Airlines Agent Delivers the Wow Factor

On a recent trip, a Delta Airlines Attendant engaged me in an otherwise routine and unengaging part of flying – taking off.

Below are two You Tube video links for short, but interesting views of how something so ordinary can become extraordinary.

First clip.

Second clip.

Make it a GREAT Monday, because if you don’t, who will.  If not this Monday, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Is Disney afraid to take risks?

Is Disney afraid to take risks?

Not in a million years.  Walt Disney was the ultimate “envelope-pusher”.

Pushing the envelope is a phrase used when someone goes where no man or woman has gone before. Faster, higher, longer, deeper, more difficult, whatever.

In ten years of traveling regularly, I’ve never seen In-Flight Internet access.

Until yesterday.

It worked GREAT.

It was easy to create an account at .  Seems like gogo inflight is pushing the envelope.

The world is changing.  Fast.

I’ll bet if Walt Disney was alive, he’d love the speed, and, the breeze in his face.

I know I sure do.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂